Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Spring greetings to you all!

Well I finally have my web page up and running at cathypfeil.com
There are a few errors with pictures but you can contact me through the site.

My friend Dolly Mae came down to Olympia to speak and have a booth at the Olympia Wellness fair on Saturday. I met lots of people and had a great time. Planning and actually pulling off a fair is a hard task. The organizer of this fair did a great job putting on her first fair and I know next year's fair will be even better.

Dolly and I have created our first workshop together. It will be in Olympia on Saturday, June 13th. Called "The Philosopher's Stone" we are into the transmutation of consciousness. Let me know if you are interested.

This weekend was my birthday. Reed, one of my oldest friends, always adds to his age. I thought that was a strange thing to do but this year I caught on. As I have reached a certain age I have been told it is time to begin lying and taking off a few years. If I go Reed's way I am older but I look SO GOOD for my age! So from now on I am a great looking 62!

In grace and ease,

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